educators 2 educators’ blog

Advice for the Grieving Teacher
Well-Being, Wellness Carrie Conover Well-Being, Wellness Carrie Conover

Advice for the Grieving Teacher

Losing a loved one is one of the most stressful and devastating experiences of life. Grief can consume us and exhaust us for days, weeks and months.

Going through loss when you are a teacher has its own set of unique challenges. Teaching is stressful by itself, so when you add the extra layer of loss, it can seem unbearable for a teacher to want to return to the classroom and face 25+ children every day.

I understand this feeling all too well.

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How to Get Out of a Mental Funk and Turn Your Day Around
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

How to Get Out of a Mental Funk and Turn Your Day Around

We've all been there. You wake up in the morning and you're just not feeling it. Life feels blah. You don't want to go to work. Your colleague or sister or partner annoyed you yesterday, and the feelings are still lingering. Your clothes fit funny, and your face looks tired. Maybe you regret that 9 pm glass of wine or the giant warm batch of chocolate chip cookies you devoured.

You're in a mental funk, and you know if you don't somehow snap out of it, you're headed for a long day of self-pity and cranky-town.

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Teacher Self-Care Online Tools for End of Year Classroom Chaos
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

Teacher Self-Care Online Tools for End of Year Classroom Chaos

Teaching can be a rewarding profession, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and stress. As educators, it’s important to prioritize our well-being and practice self-care to avoid burnout. But this is typically easier said than done.

You just spent the day surrounded by colleagues, potentially disrespectful students, tedious administrative tasks, all while not have two minutes to go to the bathroom. I get it, I spent many years in the classroom, and I know it’s only gotten worse for educators.

Let’s explore three essential online tools that can help you easily take care of your mental, emotional, and physical health. With online tools, you barely have to think, you just have to do it.

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How Teachers Can Use EdTech Tools for Student Mental Health
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

How Teachers Can Use EdTech Tools for Student Mental Health

While EdTech tools are often associated with instruction and practice, they can also play a significant role in supporting student mental health. With EdTech, teachers can create a positive and supportive environment that promotes well-being and addresses the unique challenges students may face in this new era.

Here are some ways teachers can use EdTech tools to prioritize student mental health.

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5 Positive Student Behavior Apps Changing How We Regulate Actions and Emotions
Classroom Management, SEL, Well-Being, AI Carrie Conover Classroom Management, SEL, Well-Being, AI Carrie Conover

5 Positive Student Behavior Apps Changing How We Regulate Actions and Emotions

While we look at new and more appropriate solutions to classroom behavior, teachers are turning to EdTech for actionable support.

These tools are changing how we act on social emotional learning (SEL) and student behavior in ways that help children prosper, without the humiliation and feeling of falling behind that other methods might induce.

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4 Things Every New Teacher Must Do to be Successful
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

4 Things Every New Teacher Must Do to be Successful

New teachers are leaving the teaching profession at an alarming rate. According to a study by the advocacy group, Alliance for Excellent Education, 40-50% of new teachers leave teaching within the first 5 years. There are many factors that contribute to high turnover. If you ask veteran teachers why new teachers leave the profession quickly, they will tell you that many young teachers can't handle the stress of the classroom.

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3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself About Your Morning Teacher Routine
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

3 Questions You Should Ask Yourself About Your Morning Teacher Routine

The time between your alarm going off in the morning and the first bell can set the tone for the rest of your day. Being a teacher means you rise early and have less time to fit in a productive and healthy morning routine.

Routine is KEY to keeping ourselves and our family sane during the hectic morning hours. Ask yourself these three questions to see how you can make things calmer and maybe even squeeze in a little self-care before you head off to school.

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How to Support a Grieving Teacher
Well-Being Carrie Conover Well-Being Carrie Conover

How to Support a Grieving Teacher

Supporting a fellow educator in dealing with the loss of a loved one can be daunting. Returning to work after a loss can be especially difficult for teachers due to the nature of the job. Having to immediately return to a high-stakes position in addition to dealing with a class full of children is challenging. Thankfully, the support of fellow teachers and administrators can ease the burden.

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